oh shit new crowne prince just dropped
oh shit new crowne prince just dropped
orbeez can absorb liquid and expand in the intestinal tract after someone swallows them. this can cause severe and sometimes life-threatening intestinal blockage due to the size of the bead
how can i join the collab?
binding of issac more like substandard poor inferior second-rate second-class unsatisfactory inadequate unacceptable not up to scratch not up to par deficient imperfect defective faulty shoddy amateurish careless negligent dreadful awful terrible abominable frightful atrocious disgraceful deplorable hopeless worthless laughable lamentable miserable two bit third-rate diabolical execrable incompetent inept inexpert ineffectual crummy rotten pathetic useless woeful bum lousy appalling abysmal pitiful godawful dire not up to snuff the pits duff chronic rubbish pants tropy poxy egregious game
nuh uh
im slim shady yes im the real shady all the other slim shadys are just imitating so wont the real slim shady please stand up please stand up please stand up
pov: you didn't get it
Pretty cool
Wait I remember you, you were in MLAATR reanimated
where goanimate
this is completely unrealistic. A rat would've gotten to it before the vacuum cleaner
LOL i guess. Maybe part two will have an evil rat.
"Hello" is a salutation or greeting in the English language. It is first attested in writing from 1826.
Age 16, just some guy
full time wheezer
10th grade
way down yonder
Joined on 4/6/20