(one month ago)
or should i say chronically piconline!
(its all over boys pack up your bags)
"Hello" is a salutation or greeting in the English language. It is first attested in writing from 1826.
Age 16, just some guy
full time wheezer
10th grade
way down yonder
Joined on 4/6/20
@Webtoon never mind. its just my vent
i want your blams points now
@Webtoon sure can you blam this? https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/967833 rate 0 theres a hater on NG making a cringe video.
sorry for the late reply but already rated it a 0
Oh, hey! I see you went through with the name change
I think he meant because you have so many saves, you had been stealing his blam points LOL
@DeaghlanNG @Webtoon you’re right. The score didn’t even go up one by the time the video got blammed. Perhaps his hand slipped to 5 stars and then rated 0 at the end. Your supposed to have 52 blams but still got 51.
aw man :(
i was up this morning on the portal just rating everything 5 without watching what i was rating
i just wanted to stock up on saves to get me higher on the global rank
if i watched the video this morning i would've given it a 0
i really regret doing that now
What was this animation about anyway? It was blammed before I could see it.
i remember it was AlexToolStudio's pfp getting beat up. I think I remember blood
Come on, man. There's being nice, and then there's being TOO nice. A lot of stuff being posted is no effort stick animation bullshit, use your discretion!
yeah my bad
i dont really like being negative, and I like to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to alot things in their movies and games
i'll try to be more critical going forward though.
@Webtoon it’s alright. Be careful not to finger slip. And make sure the video is entertaining. Watch first then rate.
once again my bad
Good stuff. Bare in mind, blamming exists for a reason. It's to keep the pool of content on NG to a high standard, there is no shame in blamming something that DESERVES to be blammed.
I also give everything the benefit of the doubt, but there are a lot of things that get through judgement that really shouldn't.
I'm still disappointed you stole my blam points
Webtoon (Updated )