@Webtoon Alright thanks.
"Hello" is a salutation or greeting in the English language. It is first attested in writing from 1826.
Age 16, just some guy
full time wheezer
10th grade
way down yonder
Joined on 4/6/20
@Webtoon Alright thanks.
Sounded like exedor text this. Anyways what did you say about the video?
what video
@Webtoon the video you reviewed that got you banned
i dont remember what i said or what the video was
Quick word of advice: in future, make sure your reviews directly relate to the submission in some manner before you hit "submit". That's how I got to 5K reviews without getting banned once.
now i cant send a whatever face everytime i see you rate 5 stars on blammed video.
better to be positive than to go on a blamming spree
@Webtoon never in a million days rival. i don't want garbage videos to flood and lag tom fulps website.
What does that say? It's hard to make out even while zoomed in.
You have been banned from submitting reviews.
Reason: Don’t use the review space to post unrelated crap about the submission. If you want to post observational humour land a job as a nightclub comedian, Seinfeld.
Expires: 5 March 2025.
(I am at least glad they took note of my comedic skills though)