Woah, indeed. Nice work on getting that exact number.
"Hello" is a salutation or greeting in the English language. It is first attested in writing from 1826.
Age 16, just some guy
full time wheezer
10th grade
way down yonder
Joined on 4/6/20
Woah, indeed. Nice work on getting that exact number.
It feels like the turn of a new millennium or something. lol
i'm not afraid of your blams
and i’m not afraid of your profile picture. a singular ant is more militant than that bunny thing
Well look at here. Just became a police SGT just in one week. I used to admire that badge when I got promoted to that rank. but look at me I'm a actual SGT now.
@Webtoon I have ants on my bed in real life and i removed them with my blanket and every nighttime, they always comeback. (also please dont follow me i have no investment on anything useful but watching videos like a tiktok addict.)
good! i hope the ants come back every night to STING you! haha
and also too bad! you will always have me as a follower!!!
instead of blaming, you should trust and obey for there’s no other way
That's awesome. :) Eternalized the numbers with a screencap too, alas they change too quickly!
Happy Valentines!
thank you!
@Webtoon Wow! Catching one 'interesting number' is already rare. Seeing two at once that fit so perfectly is like watching the stars align.
@mincifry Concerning your ant problem:
Long story short: You need to kill their queen. The most reliable way to do so is to put something in their path that is most likely marketed as a 'ant bait box' or 'ant poison' (probably available at a local supermarket). It will poison the colony slowly to ensure the poison actually 'reaches' the queen. After she's dead the colony will die on its own after a while. It's a slow process, but reliable.
Also: The ants most likely come because there's food. If you do some hoovering and stop eating in the room you sleep in, the chances of this event repeating will be lower. That goes twice for anything with sugar in it.
hiring an exterminator would be even better, as not only would the ant problem be gone, it would also help more long term in the economy
@Webtoon Just for reference: Said exterminator would likely bill @mincifry's family for a lot more and it would take about the same time. You usually cannot track down an ant queen's location without causing a lot of destruction.
Plus: "The economy" cannot be aided or "fixed" by spending a bit more money. You can do a little digging on how one can "fix" the economy, if you like. You'll get plenty of different answers and a lot of them will assume that exponential growth is possible even in a closed system with finite resources.
Nothing against letting experts handle tasks that 'need' an expert. But people can solve a lot of problems themselves and that exterminator would have likely had a 2 week waiting list, because there are enough other pests only they can take care of.
you're right. assuming that prices going down could happen because of currency being spent on an unrelated market is silly. my bad :(
“WOAH” crash bandicoot